~~*** Since we keep answering the same questions over & over. We are putting that info here. Along with all important info about Sweet Lucy, how to foster or adopt her, what kind of home would be good for her, other animals, kids, temperament, location, contact info etc.***
Sweet Lucy is in need of a FOSTER or ADOPTER. She’s located in Rochester, NY. Her rescue is Diamonds In The Ruff Animal Rescue of Lockport, NY.
Sweet Lucy & Dogs, Cats, Kids: DOGS- Lucy did well with other dogs on her shelter evaluation. She has also been great meeting them on the street & in the neighborhood on leash. We haven't yet assessed her thoroughly off-leash, because we wanted to let her settle in & decompress from the stress of the shelter & 6.5hr transport to Rochester NY from Newark NJ. The rescue’s trainer is going to Dog test her thoroughly in the next several days. We will know then about specifics like male dogs, female dogs, small dogs, puppies etc. We still require a dog meet before she goes to a home to make sure it's a good match, CATS- The rescue’s trainer will also properly assess her with cats. We will have better idea of whether cats are ok then. KIDS- We are currently thinking kids old enough to understand not to take her ball from her mouth or when she's engaged with it. Lucy will grip her ball tighter in her mouth if you try to take it & a tug of war kinda game ensues. It is best to offer her a trade like a yummy treat to get her to freely surrender the ball. One can take, touch etc the ball if she's not engaged with it & can easily trade her another item, like a treat, for it when she is engaged.
Lucy IS NOT jumpy, not rough, not hyper, not mouthy, not high energy/activity, not aggressive, not loud, not prone to separation anxiety, not overly needy & not mischievous. Lucy IS very sweet, super cuddly, calm, quiet, gentle, loving, adorable, endearing, sometimes sad, pretty mellow for the most part, trusting, up for adventure, good in cars, good on a plane, good meeting new people, good meeting new dogs, good walking, still heartbroken at times, absolutely precious & an utter Lovebug.
What Sweet Lucy Needs Most In A Home: Is patience, love, TLC & understanding at first while she adjusts to her new environment. She has been through a lot & will need your understanding in the first couple weeks. No dog is perfect, they all have things that need to be worked through. Some dogs have have major issues & others minor, but they all have something requiring guidance & patience. And every single one of the best dogs we have ever worked with or rescued, did not arrive from the shelter, street or previous situation like that. They needed a little time, TLC & most of all understanding & acceptance to help them come out of their shells. And Lucy is no exception, she will need that too.
Stress/Anxiety/Instability affect every dog differently & therefore the symptoms also manifest differently from dog to dog. So just because Lucy isn’t super hyper or cowering in the corner, it doesn't mean she's not stressed, sad or overwhelmed. Just about every single dog that leaves a shelter after a long stay, and the loss their owner & home before that is in some way stressed, nervous or anxious. Sweet Lucy very softly whimpers sometimes. She does so very softly, which means it’s sadness not attention-seeking. It’s really heartbreaking. Lucy still has a broken heart to mend & will need your help to heal it. If issues arise in the home, we have a trainer who can assist & help Lucy & her new family work through things... So long as the foster or adopter’s willing, we will do any & everything in our power to support & assist them & our Sweet Lucy!
About Lucy |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Dog
- Rescue ID: D160068