Winston and his siblings were found on a farm. No mother around. We don't know if they were born to a feral and something happened to her or if they were dumped. But, we weren't leaving them to defend for themselves. They are currently enjoying life at their foster home and learning what love is all about.
About Winston
Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: 125.00
Species: Cat
Rescue ID: C180049
General Color: Orange and White
Color: Tabby
Current Age: 6 Years 7 Months (best estimate)
Fence Required: No
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Yes
Owner Experience Needed: None
More about Winston
Good with Cats, Good with Adults, Does not require a yard
► We do not adopt to Canada due to border restrictions and breed-specific legislation ► We adopt & foster locally only; within an approximately 55 mile radius of Lockport, NY 14094 USA
Adoption donation includes Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations, deworming & flea treatment.
Other Pictures of Winston (click to see larger version):