Meet Tootie!! She is a very energetic 9 year old!! She is very loveable and is good with kids and other small dogs. We are not entirely sure how she would be with big dogs or with cats, but given her sweet nature, we can't imagine she wouldn't be good with them also!!
Tootie, was dumped at a shelter in Marlboro County, South Carolina. We can't imagine why anyone would get rid of this gentle sweetheart who wants to do nothing more than snuggle with her humans!!
Tootie is being loved by her foster Mom and has also taken in another foster dog under her paw! She sleeps with her and loves up on her like no tomorrow! We think it's because Tootie remembers what it was like to feel scared and alone!
Tootie loves to snuggle and loves to curl up under the blanket next to you on the couch!
Miss Tootie is housebroken and crate trained.
The adoption fee for Tootie is $150.00. She will come to you fully vetted, spayed, and microchipped.
About Tootie
Status: Adopted!
Species: Dog
Rescue ID: D150081
General Color: Fawn
Current Age: 18 Years 7 Months (best estimate)
Grooming Needs: Low
► We do not adopt to Canada due to border restrictions and breed-specific legislation ► We adopt & foster locally only; within an approximately 55 mile radius of Lockport, NY 14094 USA
Adoption donation includes Spay/Neuter, Vaccinations, deworming & flea treatment.
Other Pictures of Tootie (click to see larger version):