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Last Updated:
11/15/2024 5:00 PM


Remembering Our Beloved Pets

One of the hardest things about loving an animal is the sad reality that we generally outlive our best friends with four legs. We know that they have lived great lives full of love and companionship, but we still miss them terribly, for no other love is as unconditional as the love we receive from our pets.

If you would like to memorialize your pet or to make a donation in honor of a four legged friend of someone you care about, please click the donate button below.
If you make a donation honoring someone else's pet, please email us at Diamondunderdogs@yahoo.com and let us know and we'll be glad to send them a card notifying them that a donation has been made in the name of their pet, and that with donations such as yours we will continue to help animals in need.
Gifts in Memoriam
  They Were Loved, and They Will Never Be Forgotten
Web Image: paw

In Loving Memory of Louie Ruberto
In Loving Memory of Jake & Willie Sansone
In Loving Memory of Vader, Geordi, French Fry, Risp & Ribbie Pelkey
    In Memory of sweet Daisy Belle Charbonneau
 In memory of beloved Mother and Aunt Coladean Westefield
In Loving Memory of Willow
In Memory of Chloe & Queen Boadecia
In Memory of DJ Hutchinson
In Memory of King Louie of DITR


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