First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
We are a volunteer-based rescue. Typical turnaround time for a volunteer to contact you is 24-48 hours via a phone call, text or email; please keep an eye on your email inbox and spam folders. Upon completion of this application, please call your veterinarian to allow the release of any current or past animals' records to us. Your application cannot be approved without this information. Please let your personal references know we will be calling them. You will receive an automated email message when your application has been successfully submitted. When we receive your application, our Application Coordinators will begin the screening process, which consists of multiple steps: 1st - Reviewing your application to ensure all required questions have been answered; if any were missed, we will be in touch to ask for the missing information. 2nd - Calling your personal references and veterinarian(s). 3rd – After we’ve spoken to all of the above, the volunteer who coordinates the primary activity you’ve expressed interest in will contact you for an informal interview; to discuss your application and any questions or concerns that you or DITR may have. 4th – All information collected during the screening process will be submitted to DITR leadership for review and decisioning. If your application is approved for the primary activity you’re interested in, the appropriate coordinator will contact you to discuss next steps. If it's not approved for the primary activity you’re interested in, you will receive a phone call, text or email with an explanation and/or asking if you’d be interested in a different activity that we believe would be a good fit. *If your application is approved to work with our dogs in boarding: - Our Facility Coordinator will contact you to schedule orientation activities. - You will be required to bring your driver’s license with you for your first visit to the facility; a picture of your license will be taken as proof of age & identity for our records. You will not be granted access to the facility or our dogs in boarding until we have your driver’s license on file. - Access to the facility and our dogs in boarding can be revoked by DITR at our discretion, at any time without warning. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application and for wanting to join us on our mission to help the animals! Please enter your initials to confirm you've read and understand this process and requirements for approval.*
Why would you like to volunteer for Diamonds in the Ruff Animal Rescue?*
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.*
Our primary tool for communicating urgent requests, important information, events & volunteer opportunities are our private Facebook page and Facebook Messenger. What is your Facebook/Messenger profile name?*
What is your age range?* Choose one: Under 21 yrs old 21 yrs old or over
Are you now or have you ever been involved with another rescue or an animal shelter? * Choose one: Yes No
If you are or have been involved with another rescue or an animal shelter, please list the rescue/shelter name(s), approximate start and end date and how you were involved (fostering, fundraising, dog walking, general volunteer activities, etc.)
Are you currently or have you ever been the primary caregiver for a dog(s)?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please list their names, ages & breeds along with any special needs or behavioral issues, how you handled them and if they are currently living with you or lived with you previously.
If yes, please describe your training style.
Please list all animals currently living with you; name, species, breed & age.*
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number (Please call your vet asap and let them know you are giving permission for us to call and obtain a vet reference.)*
Are your current pets Spayed/Neutered? If not, why?*
Are your current animals up to date on vaccinations and routine vet care? If no, Why not?*
Have you owned any pets in the last 5 years who are no longer with you?*
If yes, please list their name, species, age, breed and why they're no longer with you. If they were seen by someone other than your current veterinarian, please list the other vet(s) name & phone number and give them permission to speak with us. *
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain*
Which activities are you interested in helping with? Choose all that apply: Dog Care in Boarding; feeding, walking, clean up, etc. Events; Community, Fundraising, etc. Grant writing (experience required) Social Media (general social media knowledge required)
If you're interested in helping with anything not listed above, please list it here:
Please list any experience you have with the activities you’re interested in helping with.
Are you interested in volunteering to help with our dogs in boarding? If yes, please answer all questions below. If no, please proceed to "List References"* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, are there any special needs or behavioral issues you're not comfortable working with? Please select all that apply. Choose one: Barking Carsick Chewing Doesn't like other dogs Fear of men Fear of women Food allergies Food/toy aggression with other animals Food/toy aggression with people Growling High activity level Jumping Mouthing Needs obedience training Not housebroken Pulling on the leash while walking Rough play with other animals Rough play with people Separation anxiety Skin allergies Special diet Special medical needs Whining
If yes, are you familiar with the decompression process for dogs?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes & you've never been the primary caregiver for a dog, please tell us about your dog experience.
List at least two personal references. One reference may be a family member or DITR member. The other reference may be anyone but a family member or DITR member. Please be sure to include address and phone number. *
I certify that all information entered on this application is true. If I'm applying to work with DITR dogs in boarding: 1) I understand that I will not be granted access to any DITR animal or facility until: my application has been formally approved, I've read & signed all required paperwork, provided a copy of my driver's license and successfully completed any required training. 2) I understand my approval & access can be revoked by DITR at their discretion at any time without warning. Please enter your name & today’s date. *