First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Text/Pager Email
Please read the following before proceeding with the application, and initial that you understand the process. This first step in adopting a Diamond Sweetheart is to fill out this application. Once you submit your application, we have dedicated volunteers who will screen your application and more than likely reach out to you. The second step is a home visit. A volunteer will come to your home and verify that we can rest assured it will be a safe place for one of our Diamonds to call forever. This step is crucial in ensuring the safety of our dogs or cats and helps us to learn a little more about you so we know we are placing the right dog to your home environment. The third step is for you to meet our Diamond. This will not happen during the home visit. This comes after the home visit has occurred. The foster who has the Diamond you are interested in will reach out to you and schedule a meet & greet. If you have any questions, please let the adoption volunteer know when they call you. Any concerns specific to the Diamond you are interested in can more than likely be addressed by the foster, who knows the Diamond you are interested in best. *
Can you accept text messages?* Choose one: Yes No
Who are you interested in? Choose an animal: Blu Bruno Buddy 2 Buzz Charlie Cole Desiree Hailey Maddie Maggie (Meg) Max Milo Oscar Penny Perry Rocky (the Brindle) Scooby Selena Tiny Wally Zena
What traits are you looking for in a pet
Do you own or rent your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
Please provide the name and phone number of your landlord, if applicable, for us to confirm permission.
Please list the number of people living in your household and their ages.*
Who will be mostly responsible for your cat?*
Will your cat be kept inside at all times?* Choose one: Yes No
If you are not going to keep your cat indoors, please explain why.
Do you have other animals in the house? Please list breed, age, temperament and how long you've had them.*
Are your current pets up to date with vaccines, spayed/neutered?*
If your cat needed acute medical attention are you prepared to handle the expense? This is in addition to the normal yearly vet visit expense. Even indoor cats need booster shots.*
Have you ever given up on a pet in the past for any reason? If so, what happened to the pet?*
How did you hear about us*
Please list 2 personal references and phone numbers*
Many vets require that permission be given before sharing information with rescues. Please call your veterinarian and make sure they are authorized to speak with us. It will make the process go more quickly and smoothly. Please list your CURRENT veterinary clinic and their phone number.*
Please allow time for us to review your information and call the necessary references, we are an all volunteer organization and it can take a few days for us to process. Please be sure your references know we will be calling them as it will speed up the process for you. I certify that the above information I entered on this application is true. Type name:*