First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone
Alt Email
We are a volunteer-based rescue. Typical turnaround time for a volunteer to contact you is 24-48 hours. You may receive a phone call, text or email; please keep an eye on your email inbox and spam folders. Upon completion of this application, please call your veterinarian to allow the release of any current or past animals' records to us. Your application cannot be approved without this information. If you are a renter, please contact your landlord to let them know we will be calling them to ask for their approval of you adopting an animal while living on their property as well as their specific animal policies. Please let your personal references know we will be calling them. Once you have submitted this application, our adoption coordinators will begin the approval process, which entails the following: 1st - Reviewing your application to see if the dog you applied for might to be a good fit for your home; if there are concerns, we will be in touch to explain those and possibly suggest another one of our adoptables to you. Contacting your personal references, veterinarian, and landlord if applicable. We will contact you after we speak to all required persons. 2nd - If you application is approved, a volunteer that lives in your area will perform a home visit. The volunteer will come to your home to verify it will be a safe place for the dog to call their furever home. The volunteer is required to photograph the driver's license of everyone residing in your home ages 16 years and older for our records. These steps are crucial in ensuring the safety of our animals and helps us to learn a little more about you and your home environment, so we know we are placing the right dog into your home. 3rd - If the home visit is approved, we will proceed with a meet and greet with the dog you are interested in. A DITR representative will contact you to make arrangements to bring the dog to your home for the meet. We require everyone who lives in the home to be present for the meet. We hope you fall in love and find your new best friend in one of our Diamonds in the Ruff! Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application and thank you for looking to adopt! **IMPORTANT** - Due to border restrictions and breed specific legislation, we are unable to adopt out to Canada at this time. Our adoption area is within an approximately 55 mile radius of Lockport, NY 14094 USA. - Our goal is to set up our dogs for success by placing them in a home that best fits their personality & needs. Applications for the same dog are screened and prioritized based on this criteria; not on the order in which they were received. If your application is approved but isn't the best fit, our Adoption Coordinators may be able to suggest other dogs who might be a great fit for your home. -DITR adoptions are subject to home checks by an SPCA Cruelty Investigator if DITR has any concerns regarding the health, welfare or safety of the adopted dog at any time. Please initial that you have read & understand the above information before proceeding:*
Which animal are you interested in Choose an animal: Blu Bruno Buddy 2 Buzz Charlie Cole Desiree Hailey Maddie Maggie (Meg) Max Milo Oscar Penny Perry Rocky (the Brindle) Scooby Selena Tiny Wally Zena
What diamond dog are you interested in if not listed in the drop down menu?
Names and ages of all residents in the household*
Is anyone in the home allergic to dogs
Personal Reference #1 Name Can be family member or DITR volunteer*
Personal Reference #1 Phone Number*
Personal Reference #2 Name Cannot be family member or DITR volunteer*
Personal Reference #2 Phone Number*
Do you currently have pets in the home*
If you answered yes, please list all animals' in home or on property name, age, type, and breed
Are your current pets spayed or neutered*
If you answered no, please explain why Please note - unless medically necessary per your vet, we do require all animals in the home to be spayed or neutered.
Are your current pets up to date on vaccines*
If you answered no, please explain why
Veterinarian Name
Veterinarian phone number Please call them and allow the release of your animals' records to DITR
Have you owned any pets in the last 5 years who are no longer with you?*
If yes, please list their name, species, age, breed and why they're no longer with you. If they were seen by someone other than your current veterinarian, please list the other vet(s) name & phone number and give them permission to speak with us. *
We live in a*
Do you rent or own this property*
Landlord's Name, if you rent
Landlord's phone number, if you rent Please call them to let them know we will be in contact
What type of yard do you have*
List fence height and type if physically fenced
How many hours a day on average will the dog be alone*
Reasons I want adopt this dogPlease check all that apply
My adopted dog willPlease check all that apply
What behaviors would deter you from adopting this dogPlease check all that apply
Have you given up a pet in the pastIf yes, please explain the situation*
Under what circumstances would you feel the need to return the dog to DITR*
If your pet got loose what actions would you take to get them back*
If after adopting, the dog needed acute medical attention for an illness or emergency care, are you prepared to handle the unexpected expenses*
Do you plan to use preventatives (flea, tick, heartworm) on the dog*
What do you feel is a reasonable amount of time for the dog to adjust to feel fully relaxed and comfortable in your home*
How do you plan to integrate this dog into your family*
During the transition to a new home it is common for the dog to have accidents. Are you ok working with them on this?*
If the dog becomes destructive, what would you do to correct this behavior*
What traits are you looking for in a dog
Is the dog you applied for absolutely the one for you or are you open to suggestions on others that may better fit what you're looking for*
How did you hear about us*
I certify that the information entered on this application is true. Enter your name and date*